After the long wait, it’s finally complete and ready to be used for your study pleasure!

This study guide is based on information from Todd Howard’s ACU 211/212 Internal Medicine at Pacific Rim College and is therefore a great study tool for this course as well as other courses including TCM Foundations I/II OM 101/102 and TCM Diagnosis I/II OM 201/202, among other TCM-related courses.

ACU 211/212 Internal Medicine is a storehouse of information and it is often a challenge to remember it all. I’ve tried to compile the information based on the relevancy of how I was tested in this course as well as what made the most sense to me as far as the organization of this information goes. You will find that there are similar TCM syndrome patterns listed close to one another and may appear to be repeats. However, there are slight discrepancies between them and I wanted to represent these differences. The main organization of the chart is based on Excess and Deficient conditions. You will also find a glossary at the end of the study guide that contains all the TCM disease names listed in the chart.

If you have any input about better ways to organize the information in this study guide I would love to hear from you. Otherwise I hope it serves you well in your studies.


Download the PDF file here:

Internal Medicine – Study Guide